PYXIS Engineering Corporation |
PYXIS ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3839 Bret Harte Drive Redwood City, CA 94061-1115 TEL 650/365-2694 FAX 650/365-2695 NET tom AT pyxiseng.com |
Pyxis Engineering Corporation offers electrical engineering services on a contract basis. We specialize in the design and implementation of electrical control systems using off-the-shelf hardware.
Many machines and processes are most efficiently controlled with programmable devices. Pyxis Engineering helps you define the project requirements and ensures that the control system is efficiently built and properly programmed for correct operation.
How Long Does It Take to train someone to program PLC's? Are your available people too busy keeping your existing equipment running to design and program your new machines? Pyxis Engineering Corporation can provide PLC service faster, better, and at a set price.
We are available to help at any stage of the automation process - from initial design considerations through rebuilds of existing equipment.
We work with your engineers and operators to make sure the system works as you intended.
We stay with your project through startup and training, optimizing your system's performance.
We provide full documentation and support so that your equipment can be maintained at peak performance in-house.
We can upgrade existing equipment and processes to meet current and future needs.
Many options exist to allow the efficient transfer of information between the operator, the control system, and supervisory computer networks.
Information is organized in schematic form to verify compliance with the National Electric Code (NEC),
and supplemented with panel layouts and bills of materials for ease of fabrication and assembly.
Pyxis Engineering has in-depth experience with the application of programmable logic controllers (PLC's) to critical processes and sequences. Supported equipment include:
We have an established network of contractors and consultants available to put your project plans into action.